Cybersecurity Insights: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

Reinforce Your Trusted Advisor Position with Your Customers and Prospects

Verizon recently released its Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (“DBIR”), and our cybersecurity expert, James Morrison, is in love. This report, released annually, provides a treasure trove of insights into the ever-evolving world of cyber threats.

The entire report is worthy of a read. However, we asked James to flag the insights that stuck out to him. Each can trigger a conversation about cybersecurity solutions with your customers and prospects.

James Morrison’s Top Six Key Takeaways from the 2023 DBIR

1. The main avenue of attacks remains unchanged – stolen credentials, social engineering, and exploitation of vulnerabilities.

A critical takeaway from the DBIR is the confirmation that the primary avenues of cyber-attacks have mostly stayed the same. Stolen credentials, social engineering tactics, and the exploitation of vulnerabilities continue to be the preferred methods of attackers. Use this insight to talk to your customers about the importance of strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and ongoing security awareness training.

2. Twenty-four percent of data breaches involved ransomware, regardless of the victim’s size.

Ransomware continues to wreak havoc in the cyber landscape, as it is involved in 24 percent of data breaches, regardless of the size of the victim organization. Use this insight to talk with your customers and prospects about the urgent need for robust backup, disaster recovery solutions, and advanced endpoint protection measures. You can leverage this insight to underscore the criticality of proactive cybersecurity.

3. Financial motives remain the top reason for cyber-attacks, and state-sponsored attacks remain very low statistically.

While state-sponsored attacks often make headlines, the DBIR reminds us that financial motives remain the primary driving force behind cyber-attacks. Understanding the motivations of bad actors can help you tailor your recommendations to ensure your customers are protected from the threats that most commonly target businesses like theirs.

4. There has been a four-fold increase in the number of breaches involving cryptocurrency.

The DBIR highlights a concerning trend: a four-fold increase in cryptocurrency breaches. With the growing popularity of digital currencies, cybercriminals are actively targeting cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges. James suggests that you emphasize the importance of secure cryptocurrency storage practices, such as cold wallets and robust encryption techniques, to safeguard their digital assets.

5. The most exploited vulnerabilities are seen on internet-facing servers, and Log4J remains a significant issue.

The DBIR underlines the significance of securing internet-facing servers, as they remain the most exploited vulnerability. This finding highlights the importance of regular patching and vulnerability management practices. James suggests you leverage this insight to recommend comprehensive vulnerability scanning and patch management solutions to mitigate the risk of server-based attacks. Additionally, the report mentions the ongoing challenge posed by the Log4J vulnerability, reinforcing the need for urgent action to address this critical issue.

6. Email remains the most likely path into an environment because it still works.

Despite the rise of new attack vectors, email remains the most favored entry point for cybercriminals. The DBIR reinforces that phishing and email-based attacks are still prevalent and effective. Capitalize on this insight by promoting robust email security solutions, including advanced threat protection, encryption, and user training to identify and avoid malicious emails.

If you have attended AMP’d, AMP’d MasterClass, AMP’d Solo Cybersecurity, ScanSource Channel Connect or any of our cybersecurity-related SE Webinars, then you know we are passionate about making sure YOU are seen as the technology hero in your customer’s eyes. We want your prospects to call YOU when they are thinking about their cybersecurity needs.

Think about how you can use any or all of these insights to guide your customer’s cybersecurity strategies. Addressing the unchanged avenues of attack, the rise of ransomware, financial motives behind attacks, increasing cryptocurrency breaches, securing internet-facing servers, and the continued risk of email-based attacks is a surefire way to get their attention in today’s environment.

Additionally, remember to access the helpful resources at Intelisys University to continue learning and managing your marketing-related outreach.

Monica Lutes

Manager, People & Culture, ScanSource, Inc. and Intelisys

As Manager, People & Culture, Monica has worked closely with Intelisys employees and leaders since 2018 and has worked with ScanSource companies since 2016. A Human Resources professional with 11 years of experience encompassing all areas of HR, especially employee relations, recruiting, compliance, and training, Monica approaches her role as Manager, People & Culture from a consultative perspective. Her goal is to provide advice and guidance to leaders so they can focus on growing the best teams for the business while also supporting employees’ goals.

Ansley Hoke

SVP Marketing, ScanSource, Inc. and Intelisys

Ansley Hoke is the Senior Vice President of Marketing at ScanSource, Inc., a role she has held since 2019, and extended her leadership to include Intelisys in 2023. She joined the company in 2001, serving in merchandising leadership roles for ScanSource POS and Barcode, including acting Vice President of Merchandising and then later VP of Merchandising for ScanSource Catalyst and overall VP of ScanSource Catalyst. She oversaw sales, supplier relations, and services. Known for her pivotal role in creating effective marketing strategies, Ansley has been integral in driving demand, enhancing partner programs, and significantly contributing to the company’s revenue growth and channel relationships.

Mike Baur

CEO of ScanSource, Inc. and Interim President of Intelisys

Mike Baur serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at ScanSource. Mike has served as the Company’s President or CEO since its inception, as a director since December 1995, and as Chairman of the Board since February 2019. Mike has developed a deep institutional knowledge and perspective regarding ScanSource’s strengths, challenges and opportunities. He has more than 30 years of experience in the IT industry, having served in various leadership and senior management roles in the technology and distribution industries before joining ScanSource. Mike brings strong leadership, entrepreneurial, business building and development skills and experience to the Board.

Stephanie Bouras

Regional Vice President, Southeast

Driven by a partner-first philosophy and a passion for innovation, Bouras embodies a leadership style that’s both compassionate and data-driven. As the Regional Vice President, Southeast, at Intelisys, she’s leveraged her extensive marketing and sales experience to propel her team to new heights. A firm believer in aligning herself with her partners, she sees herself as a collaborator and an integral part of their business. This perspective has allowed her to forge deep connections and drive success. A Florida native, Stephanie’s attention to detail and unwavering commitment to her partners have been key factors in her success.

Michael Raspanti

Regional Vice President, Northeast

Michael joined Intelisys in June of 2020, as a long-time channel veteran. He is responsible for leading the Northeast Region, helping continue the tremendous momentum in one of our strongest markets while also recruiting new up and coming partners that will be the growth engine of our future success.

Kristy Thomas

Vice President, Partner Experience and Enablement

Thomas is responsible for Sales Partner enablement and education for all our technology segments, including CX, managed security, mobility, and connectivity. With over 20 years of executive background in telephony, UCaaS, CCaaS and Cloud services, Kristy enables her customers to think broader and deeper as she guides them through their decision journey. Some of the biggest deals in the channel have become a reality thanks to the expertise and humble excellence Kristy brings to her client’s projects.